"As much fun as it looks--try it out sometime"

Sitting on a fence, near You: the mission statement

In this life, we are constantly pulled by the paradoxical dualities of choices and opinions presented to us by the government, the media, and the respective spheres that we have membership in. Ultimately the power lies with us: it is up to us to decide what is right, what is wrong, what is fair, and what is not.

Unfortunately our hearts and minds are wagered everyday in a war of approval. These forces succeed in driving us apart from one another, often in an unrelenting stream of information that attempts to create conflict, confusion, violence and misunderstanding. In this daze we are easily manipulated.

Often times, we are not fully educated about the things that we support, since we are led astray by those that seek to carry out their own clandestine agendas. The resulting effect is usually half-hearted zealotry that is often times more dangerous than the zealots themselves. When we don't think for ourselves, we allow ourselves to be drones for the taking.

Other times, we see instances of gross misconduct that seem to skirt the rules of society because there isn't a sufficient uproar of disapproval from our uncaring, indifferent eyes. Quietly, we are tricked into submission by our own reticence and inaction. Too easily it seems that we dismiss the injustices that we are thoughtfully, wholeheartedly ignorant of.

It is for these reasons that I've created this blog. This is a blog about the middle. To bring attention to the extremists, the liars, the petty criminals, and the just plain corrupt--and those that they seek to exploit and use for their own means. I believe it is our duty to bring these ugly entities to light and prosecute them fittingly as they continually push the limits of what we allow as a society. There are too many instances of crime, greed, violence, and corruption. It's time to reel in such unabashed and shameless behavior. High profile figures--politicians, companies, special interest groups, celebrities, and sports stars--will obviously be under the most scrutiny. It's time to pull back to the middle, to reassess our moral and ethical center.

Having said that I believe it is also our duty to highlight instances in which those-that-wield-power or others make a worthy stand or stand in the way of those things aforementioned. I have a lot of respect for those that seek to bring truth, responsibility, understanding, and ultimately, progress to our ever-changing society.

I will not be so arrogant as to suggest that I possess the correct viewpoint or have a complete understanding of the stories and situations that will be the subjects of this blog. Obviously things are generally never so cut-and-dried to the extent that we can easily identify 'definitely' right from 'definitely' wrong. My intention is to highlight an issue and create a dialogue that represents the spectrum of viewpoints that we must consider for that circumstance.

I will proudly sit on this fence, and I think you should too.

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